Mathful Play


  • What if we see math as intrinsically enjoyable, like art?
  • How do we explore, uncover, and leverage what is fun about math in order to enhance children’s learning experience?
  • How do we make math more playful and play more “mathful?”

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Recently Added Activities…

Sidewalk Math for the Neighborhood

Sidewalk Math for the Neighborhood

Engage the whole family to design your own whole body math games, draw them on your sidewalk with chalk, and invite everyone in your neighborhood to play! This activity was a collaboration with my neighbors, ages 6 and 9, who you will see...

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Tape Shapes

Tape Shapes

This activity offers the opportunity to scale up the study of geometric shapes. Tape makes nice straight lines and neat corners that don't move (unlike string, which we also tried) so it is very gratifying, especially for students who may struggle...

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Number and Shape Hopscotch

Number and Shape Hopscotch

Writing shapes and numbers are skills we practice in Pre-Kindergarten. This activity focuses on making shapes and numbers while practicing sequencing, one to one correspondence, length, patterns, time, and shapes. Some children were excited to...

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About Us

About Us

In math education, there has been a lot of effort put into making math playful and fun with games and activities. However, for people who love math, it is already fun. It would be like saying, let’s...

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Whole Body Math

How can I change an activity to engage the whole body? Very often, math lessons, activities, or worksheets can be made bigger to engage the whole body. By using colored tape indoors or chalk outdoors, you can create a ten-frame big enough for one child to fit in each space, basic geometric shapes for children to run on the sides and stop at the vertices, … Continue reading Whole Body Math